The 3 Best Ways to Creative an Active, High-Energy Aquarium!

One of the most appealing things about aquariums is that they’re so beautifully tranquil. All you have to do is look at an aquarium for a few minutes and the stress will melt right out of you. Of course, what’s calming and peaceful for some is boring for others. Some people enjoy stress — they feel energized by quick…

Building a Snake Aquarium: Not for the Faint of Heart

It’s kind of funny how people react to animals. People everywhere absolutely adore fish. If you have a beautiful custom aquarium then you can impress pretty much anybody on Earth. If you replace those fish with snakes and reptiles, then suddenly you’re going to provoke an entirely different reaction. Unlike fish, snakes are universally feared…

Aquariums and the Art of Complementary Colors

What’s your favorite color? Do you prefer vibrant reds or cool blues? Do you like the Japanese-inspired simplicity of black, white, and brown, or do you want to be surrounded by bright neons and swirling colors? We all know our favorite color – for me, it’s green. But here’s an even more important question: how…

Talk With Your Fish While You Soak in the Tub: 5 Bathroom-Themed Aquariums

quariums and bathrooms usually don’t go very well together. It’s a bit ironic, considering that water is a common theme between both of them. Well, even though bathroom aquariums are unorthodox, that hasn’t stopped a lot of fish lovers from bringing their hobby into the washroom. 5. Fish Toilet Image source: Of course, the first…

Chinese Artists Display 1,500 Goldfish in Skyscraper Replicas

Fishpond City — Image source: Civilization used to spread outward. Thanks to the marvels of modern engineering, civilization now likes to climb upward. Massive skyscrapers that give you the most bang for your real estate buck have become a common sight in cities across the world. It makes us wonder: if humans like vertical buildings,…

Dark and Mysterious: 3 Ways Shadows can Improve Your Aquarium

Should your aquarium be dark and shadowy? Your immediately response might be, “Of course not — you won’t be able to see the beautiful aquascape!” People tend to think that low light is a bad thing, especially when you’re talking about art pieces. The more light you have, the easier it is for people to…

Fort Worth Water Gardens- Shelter From the Sun

Image From It’s hot in Texas. Yes, I should have told you to sit down before dropping that news, but it is true.   In Fort Worth, you have three months of average highs in the mid-90s, and five months of at least the mid-80s.   And that’s just average- it obviously can get a lot…

Taking the Plunge: How to Get Started in the Aquarium Hobby

As much as I love aquascaping, it suffers from one major drawback: it’s kind of hard for newcomers to break into the hobby. To be honest, I think that’s the main reason why more people don’t own aquariums. I definitely understand why newcomers might be intimidated. Setting up an aquarium for the first time can…

How can NeverWet Change the Aquarium Hobby?

There have been a couple of viral videos floating around the Internetshowcasing the mind-boggling effects of hydrophobic chemicals. If you haven’t seen them before, I’ll let you take a look for yourself: The best way to help you understand this bizarre chemical is to break down the name. Hydro means water, and phobic means fear of.…