Wabi-Kusa: Transforming Balls of Plants into Aquatic Art

Torn between surf and turf? Can’t decide if you’d rather have a garden or an aquarium? Evidently, Japanese aquascapers have struggled with the same problem. Their solution is to come up with an aquascaping style known as Wabi-Kusa. Wabi-Kusa arrangements involve aquascaping, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that they are aquariums. It would be more accurate to…

5 Reasons Why Fish Make Better Pets than Cats and Dogs

People always argue about whether cats or dogs are better, but I think these people are missing the point. There’s one type of animal that’s way better than cats and dogs combined. Can you guess what it is? I’ll give you a hint: go check out any other article on this site. Still can’t guess…

Taiwan Scientists Create Fish Nightlights!

Those of you who are fans of the nerdy sitcom The Big Bang Theory might remember an episode entitled “The Luminous Fish Effect.” In it, a bored genius scientist decides that he’s going geneticaly alter the DNA of goldfish to create glow-in-dark luminescent fish nightlights. It might sound like a ludicrous idea, but hold onto your pants…